Monday, November 19, 2012

Flu Season..ugh

My son woke up this morning with the most horrible cough I have ever heard. This is his first toddler cold and although I can't give him cold medicine, I went online and found a few simple, natural remedies that did help to alleviate some of his discomfort.

1) Honey- I gave him half a teaspoon of honey this morning and another half before his evening nap. It seemed to help because I noticed he wasn't coughing as often, or as violently, as he had before the honey.

2) Warm water with a splash of apple juice- I need him to stay hydrated and the juice gave him that extra little kick of energy and motivated him to drink the water, which he usually hates.

3) Vicks Babyrub on his toes and a little bit on his chest before bedtime. He is sleeping like, well, a baby! His humidifier is on every night but I made sure to fill it before bed to help ensure easier breathing.

I've been debating whether or not our family, including my munchkin, should get flu shots this year. My husband and I generally avoid it- in the past, I became sick each time I received it and seemed to do well in the years that I didn't receive the shot. It's a whole different ball game now that my son is around. If you are around young children or seniors, it may be a good idea to get the flu shot!

Monday, November 12, 2012


Hi all!

After an entire year of chaotic excitement and sleep deprivation with my 12 month old baby, "Baby Jay", I have acquired a bursting diary filled with thoughts, ideas, various experiences and questions to share with my fellow mothers of all cultural backgrounds.

I am a young, modern, South Asian mother living in Toronto with my husband and son. I am a Math and Science teacher by profession, however I am taking some time to re-discover what it is that my heart truly desires, professionally speaking of course.

I am excited to share my journey thus far and continue (for all my friends and family) and start (for everyone else) giving my perspective on life as a Modern Indian Mom!

Looking forward to it :)